According to the test persons, the most difficult the first days. All thoughts in this period revolve around alcohol. To drink it gradually, the Lust Retreats, but an active activity allows for distraction from the issues. The fact that friends and acquaintances from custom invite still drunk at parties and festivals. Giving up is difficult, especially when friends begin funny and to discredit the idea of a sober lifestyle. If you can't stand, then it will be easier. Really good friends to turn away, if you can explain to them about the rejection of alcohol.

How to stop drinking?
What people, spent thirty count sober days:
- The taste sensations change to the usual dishes are tastier the food more "Snack", and begin an additional source of positive emotions;
- increases the concentration – after 30 days without alcohol the brain activity is improved by almost 18%, which is not only on the concentration and attention, but also on the memory, the ability to make quick decisions, etc.;
- normal sleep – someone starts to see vivid dreams, and someone is sleeping like a log all night, and the next morning, feeling well rested;
- increases the resistance to stress – contrary to popular belief, alcohol is a depressant, meaning that drinkers of heavy blows of fate, and force majeure. After 35 days, the sober reality of life are the solution of the difficult tasks easier and stressful situations are not accepted close to the heart;
- Improvement of the physical properties – those that play sports, indicate that the complete avoidance of alcohol is a good boost for the physical development.
But even those who recognized far away from the physical education: climbing the stairs is easier, inspire Hiking, and physical work brings a pleasant fatigue, but not unbearable fatigue. Those who have ceased alcohol-to-month drinking with the time to understand that you start to drink again, neither the desire nor the need. Comparing intoxicated and sober life, many opt for the last and will have pathological, sober. Unfortunately, most of the are not an people in the able to rest and relax without drinking. This love for alcohol often develops into alcohol dependence. Each alcoholic drink homeopathically adverse effect on the entire organism. Ethanol is irritating to the mucous membranes of the internal organs, the gastro-intestinal tract, overloads the kidneys and liver, as well as Intoxicate the brain.

Booze helps to relax and forget about the negative thoughts. The abuse leads to a full degradation of the personality and of death. I should for the fun of your own health? Because the sober reality of life before, obviously. According to the medical statistics, the people gave up alcohol, not to be confronted with:
- Intoxication;
- Diseases of the heart and the liver;
- white gorjatschkoj;
- fragile.
You should drink in moderation
If a Person does not drink, he does not have the question "How to drink in moderation?". In the case of heavy poisoning of the possible poisoning with all the consequences. Celibate man is not edited to his heart, the liver, and the brain under the dash. Person in charge of the sobriety of life — the Norm, never confronted with alcohol dependence. The advantages of the use of sobriety on the face. Hot drinks will not be the only pernicious effect on the internal organs, but also affect the appearance of a Person To learn drinking people. He had to appear bags under the eyes, your face swells, the skin becomes grey, the hair becomes brittle and dull. The choice of a life without alcohol, they also place youth and beauty.
People often drink lonely. You lose the work, friends and family. The choice of a sober style of life, such problems as bad. To give birth and educate healthy children another important rejection of alcohol use. According to the statistics, ethanol and a large number of children are maimed for life. Life without alcohol can be bright and colorful. How do you spend time with have fun and not drink? It set lots of good reason for the booking of alternative "alcoholic in the weekend". To the best of your weekend can:
- choose the right company;
- get out into nature;
- go on trips;
- you can visit excursions to home town.
Not live without communication? Then you are not looking for the company, where the alcohol in the first place. Spend a fun time in the family circle. The excellent company, kids can make. Refuel with a healthy positive can play Monopoly or football. Children's entertainment, and a change of clothes melancholy, and teach, to have fun without alcohol. Nothing helps to dispel the thoughts, like the breath of fresh air. How to relax without alcohol in nature? Realize you have to fly your dream and jump with a parachute, or learn on a dragon. When the extreme types of recreation, you don't like, you can go into the hike with an overnight stay or for a swim on the lake on a boat. In the weekend a lot of positive and unforgettable emotions to give you.

Can't live without traveling? Embark in a new part of the impressions that you would like in each city. Optional to fly on an expensive island, you can go for a little trip to the next town and familiarize yourself with its attractions. How to have fun without alcohol? If you like classical, then you come to the theatre or to the exhibition. If it causes you to have boredom, then you can enjoy cinemas, concerts of the popular group. Such an interesting and fun weekend to stay long in the memory.
To entertain if Friday a meeting with friends in the Bar, normal for you, then it is time to change this Tradition and to learn, without alcohol. How can you relax at home? Tension after a busy week, a hot bath with foam, favorite music, a good movie or Massage helps. Away from alcohol helps, an interesting book or a computer game. This type of holiday makes your brain work better. Healthy sleep then you are guaranteed. To drink or not to drink, alcoholic drink, — individual choice of a Person and the final decision for you. Who has on the first place, not alcohol, but more of a pleasant joy of being since long a healthy life prefer style and catch every day in the bright notes.
Eliminating the use of alcohol
The modern society has a habit of every time your consume a large amount of alcohol, be it beer, champagne, vodka, house-made brandy or liqueurs. Proverb: "alcohol in small doses is harmless in any quantity" sounds so funny, like in old times. We do not, and the doctors eat sometimes fatal dose, and then for the life we fight. You can buy alcohol and drink it becomes the Norm.
The first attempt to get rid of the connection with alcohol often do not live up to the expectations, which is why the hands fall, it seems that there is no more sense. But a clear knowledge that there are a number of problems — a glimmer of hope, and it gives a strong energy boost, to for always to remove alcohol from the daily life. Must make every effort to achieve the goals and to justify them fully and completely. You can practice here from the life of ill-fated urge to drink more, equips circle of friends, new interests and Hobbies, the family, the wonderful traditions, and the children you inspire your achievements in school, sports, creativity.

Health with every day come back to normal, the internal organs work more actively and the robot brain more productive. Studies have shown that neither alcohol not regretted made the choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle, but the years spent, the want to emphasize on the ill-fated alcohol from the store on the eyelids. To avoid, relapse, relapse, you regularly consume Anti-alcohol drugs that are sold in free sale. The ideal solution is daily exercise, in consequence of which in the blood penetrate, adrenaline and endorphins — hormones of happiness.
- The taste sensations change. The usual food is not tastier food to be a Snack, and as a source of positive emotions.
- Improves the quality of sleep. The next morning, the Patient feels refreshed.
- Increases the concentration. People make decisions, focus.
- Grow the physical indicators. The Patient is easier to the Aidol stair climbing, walking on the street. Physical labor brings a pleasant fatigue and not weakness.
- Increases resistance to stress. Problems will not be accepted close to the heart.
Strong drinks, give up is not as easy as it seems. In the early stages of alcoholism get rid of the bad habit may be due to volitional effort. Avoid alcohol 2-3 level runs is more complicated and more painful.
The possibilities of the treatment
Every last day without the abuse of Ethanol is a small victory. The first positive changes are noticeable after 30 days a life without alcohol:

- The taste sensations change. The usual food is not tastier food to be a Snack, and as a source of positive emotions.
- Improves the quality of sleep. The next morning, the Patient feels refreshed.
- Increases the concentration. People make decisions, focus.
- Grow the physical indicators. The Patient is easier to the Aidol stair climbing, walking on the street. Physical labor brings a pleasant fatigue and not weakness.
- Increases resistance to stress. Problems will not be accepted close to the heart.
A few months in the abstinence of the person's life understands what I've started to live better. He is no longer dependent on alcohol, the opinion of his former friends "in disguise". Not to drink in the evening after work, to alcohol, to relax. Finally, there is a huge selection of other attractions that are not less interesting.
Why we drink alcohol, if it is harmful?
In our society, strongly supports the idea that drinking a little, in moderation, is perfectly acceptable and even useful.
You drink all the — the stars of show business, actors, politicians, influential people, a neighbor of Peter from 5 apartments.
And it seems that I'm worse than I than everything, and even better. The largest and most dangerous misconception is the idea that the glass-another beer deserves to be at the end of a hard week of work — well, not only it is necessary!
This is insidious alcohol — the book is a drug which weaves our lives into slow, gradually displacing all the other fun.

The interest strong, even the attitude in the society. We have a lot to talk about, but in normal life, not condemn. And if you condemn, then you just go to one of the nearby Bars or to Shop and have fun with friends. It was part of the culture. For example, in my life it all started with a sweet tinctures together with new friends.
To observe children, especially Teens, aware of what surrounds you, and now I understand why I tried for the first time, the poison.
I've just seen dozens and dozens of holidays, where adults drink and a laugh, Sitcoms, where the loving couple in the most important Moment of his life, sparkling wine holding a glass.
I am more than confident that your environment has you will notice a lot of similar images so close in the subconscious, we are even.
How to stop drinking alcohol at all? The basic idea is that I want to convey to you — to stop and recognize what is happening in the reality. And very strange things happen.
To stop drinking really!
How to stop drinking in the early stages? In this Phase, the physical dependence is formed and withdrawal symptoms weak. Hot drinks are usually accepted in the holidays, meeting with friends or after a hard day. Relax and have fun without alcohol. In the company of alcohol, replace alcohol-free drinks (iced tea, coffee, lemonade, energy drink, Cola). There are also many recipes for Cocktails that do not contain alcohol.

Life begins to improve in all its aspects. The biggest change will probably be that you change your circle of friends. In some companies, is not first of all, drink hard, or you will understand what you Association the common meal. In my case, it was not to be accused of not even thinking of where and when I was with the rockers or bikers, even though among them no doubt many people drink. Did not tie under the creative Elite and the liberal arts. But when I decided to do this step if you of a couple of dozen phone calls-invitations to be all gone. Yes, I did not regret it, remained only the most loyal of friends. And in your case probably the same change of happening.
This "filter" and clean is stuck in the lives of people-fixed. But that does not mean that we will be present at the table, where it is consumed. On the contrary, you will see that can be fun and without stimulants, if the company is good. Do you have a lot of free time, think in advance, than to take it. Are you looking for a new Hobby, which at the end of the head. I chose sports, and staring for hours, Videos of the proper technique in the execution of the exercises, and of course practiced. You can jump for the first time with a parachute, or paint a picture or inspire you to climb. The main thing — in the first months. You try to make a habit to drink clean water without Gas and take healthy meals.